Run the df / command and verify that the XenServer / Dom0 available disk space Use% reported is less than 72% for the upgrade to succeed. Wait for a minute for log rotate to run and do the necessary clean up to reduce the accumulated logs to around 175 Mb. Sed -i.bak 's/500/175/' /opt/xensource/bin/delete_old_logs_by_space Run the following command on XenServer / Dom0 console to cap the log rotate to 175 Mb instead of 500 Mb Wait for reboot to complete, now run the df / command to check the disk space used. Run the df / command to check and see if available disk space Use% reported is 100%, if yes, reboot the SDX appliance first to bring the disk Use% percentage back to normal. To free space from the /var/log directory, follow these steps: Download Why can't I download this file? How to clear disk space The SDX appliance accumulates large number of log files over time, in the /var/log directory on the file system.